By Invitation Only

Own Your Conversation

Learn how you can enrich your professional skills, maximise your impact, and empower others to succeed through the power of conversations with SoundWave's data-driven assessments and insights in this free 2-hour demo workshop.

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Upcoming Sessions

9 July 2024

Time: 2PM to 4PM

Venue: JustCo at Centrepoint, Singapore

Sold Out

16 July 2024

Time: 2PM to 4PM

Venue: Online (Via zoom)

02 Aug 2024

Time: 2PM to 4PM

Venue: JustCo at Centrepoint, Singapore

16 Aug 2024

Time: 2PM to 4PM

Venue: JustCo at Centrepoint, Singapore

The ability to communicate meaningfully is key to success in any area.


of recruiters list interpersonal communication competencies as an important skill.


of employees cite ineffective communication as the reason for workplace failures.


of employees believe that communication is crucial to building trust between organisations and employees

Talk is a Habit.

Effective Talk is a Choice.

The ability for us to create quality engagements has always been innate within us.

SoundWave simply unlocks this social competence and enables us to drive better conversations by showing you how you talk, and how you can change the way you talk. Our unique data-driven approach combined with practical and actionable frameworks differentiates us from other communication tools to help anyone drive conversational excellence.

For Individuals

Enhance your executive presence and career performance, accelerate your personal development, and enrich your personal relationships through SoundWave's easy-to-use framework.

For Organisations, Managers, Leaders and Teams

Build high-performing teams that drive organisational success. SoundWave enables you to improve your organisational culture by empowering employees with a better sense of self-awareness and a common language of understanding, in critical and crucial conversations.

For Coaches, Trainers, Facilitators, Consultants

Use SoundWave to supercharge your intervention approach for your own personal use, or expand your toolbox with our assessments, concepts and frameworks—integrative and compatible with other organisational development tools.

Shift The Dialogue, Change the Culture

Designed especially for coaches, leaders, organisations, and anyone else interested to learn how to improve their communication, this demo workshop offers a curated hands-on experience using the SoundWave concept and specialised diagnostic tool.

You'll learn more about why you talk the way you do, the motivations that drive your communication style, and how you can move towards having more meaningful conversations that drive the action that you want.

  • Explore the way that you talk from the perspective of SoundWave's concept — the three verbal strategies and nine voices, and how you can apply them
  • Discover the Brilliance of your voices—your own unique communication style and the challenges, opportunities and impacts that they bring
  • Strengthen your conversational capability with our tips, tools and handles on customising your communication styles
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Kim Pong is the CEO and Founder of StrengthsAsia and Global Partner for SoundWave. His vision is to help everyone in every organization in Asia to know who they are at their very best and how they can bring this best to impact their families, work, relationships, communities, and nations. He calls this, his game of the impossible.

Kim Pong is the Creator of the REFRAME-Success is Action, CEO and Founder of StrengthsAsia, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, SoundWave Global Partner, Co-Founder of The Transformational Business Network, Asia, and a Certified Lego Serious Play Facilitator. He has coached and facilitated extensively with various organizations across Asia.

Ready to Own Your Conversation with SoundWave?

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