Find Your Element Discover Your Purpose Design Your Best Life

A big chunk of your life—at the very least one-third—is spent at work.

Now imagine going through all that without knowing your purpose in life. Waking up every morning, going to work, coming home, and then going back to sleep. A third of your life spent in this mundane cycle just for the paycheque.

For many of us, we are stuck in a belief that this is the road to our success, and only when we are successful will we find happiness. But even at the peak of success, we still can't seem to find the happiness that we thought might follow.


Because happiness does not revolve around success. It is success that revolves around happiness. And at the very core of that happiness is purpose. When you know your purpose, you find your happiness and true contentment.

The REFRAME MasterClass seeks to help you discover your purpose by knowing who you are at your very best, what you are great at, and how you can achieve your life's goal of finding satisfaction and contentment.

We want to enable you to reframe and design your best life for greater joy, engagement, and meaning. This is going to be an absolute game-changer for you no matter what stage of life you're in. 

Sign up for the REFRAME MasterClass now and learn how you can design your best life.

reframe masterclass


REFRAME MasterClass




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REFRAME MasterClass is for you if ...

  • You have been feeling unhappy even though you are successful. Perhaps you've found material success, but you feel empty inside.
  • Work is going well for you, you are respected, you are needed and that’s all you know what to do. But you have no clue what else to do outside of work.
  • You feel that you need to work hard first before you allow yourself to be happy. Survival, work, and career first. You tell yourself, suck it up first, be happy later.
  • You are constantly feeling tired, unfulfilled, or restless. Deep inside, you feel you need to move into something different.
  • You feel that you can only pursue your passion only when you have made enough money.
  • Going to work is just a job, but you feel that there’s more to life than just that.
  • You feel directionless and discontent.
  • You yearn for greater meaning in what you do.  

You deserve to be happier in work and in life.

You can make a living. And you can also make a life.

Here's how REFRAME MasterClass can help.

Know Your Strengths

You will find out HOW you are like when you bring about your greatest impact. 

Find out how to become a bigger, better version of you.

Discover Your Passion

Knowing your passion shows you WHY certain things matter to you more than to others. 

It leads you to where your purpose is.

Play Your Best Role

Know WHAT is the best role you can truly play that brings about the greatest impact, through you. 

You will have a glimpse of what your best roles could possibly be.


Find out WHO you are at your very best. 

Your ELEMENT is your unique sweet spot. At the core of everything, this is your best version of you. 

Knowing your ELEMENT is the compass to your purpose. 

A Proven Process

REFRAME has a Proven Process that helps you know who you are, what you have, what you have been given and how you can live your best life. 

It helps you get over a life stuck on the have-nots and move into a life free and empowered to imagine, create, explore and impact.

Like-Minded Peers

REFRAME taps into a community of Like-Minded Peers that works with you, challenges you and journeys with you. 

No one ever climb Mount Everest on their own. They always go with others.

Personal Guidance

REFRAME guides you, keeps you on track, and maintain traction in your journey through Personal Guidance in REFRAME One on One coaching.


The ultimate aim of REFRAME is to help you to reframe and reinvent yourself all over again 

Reinventing a life that has the potential of not just making a living, but making a life.

Designing a life that would have greater joy, engagement and meaning.


"The REFRAME MasterClass has helped many people find greater clarity in who they are, what they are great in and how to go achieve what they have always wanted for their lives.

So don't postpone the best thing that can happen to you today! You absolutely deserve to be happier at work and in your life!

May I encourage you to sign up today? Hope to see you!"

Kim Pong, Creator REFRAME MasterClass

REFRAME MasterClass Singapore


Listen to this testimonial from one of our past participants: